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Purpose and values

The CEFC is a specialist investor in Australia’s transition to net zero emissions by 2050.

With access to more than $30 billion from the Australian Government, we work with co-investors, industry and government to drive economy-wide investment in decarbonisation.

We invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency and low emissions technologies via the CEFC General Portfolio, the Rewiring the Nation Fund and four Specialised Investment Funds: the Household Energy Upgrades Fund, the Powering Australia Technology Fund, the Advancing Hydrogen Fund and the Clean Energy Innovation Fund. We are governed by an Independent Board, which provides prudent oversight and governance of CEFC investment decisions and risk management. Our Executive and staff bring considerable experience and expertise to our investment and decarbonisation task. In adopting a national approach to the emissions challenge, we invest with commercial rigour, aiming to deliver a positive return across our portfolio.

The purpose of the CEFC is reflected in the object of the CEFC Act: To facilitate increased flows of finance into the clean energy sector and to facilitate the achievement of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

We deliver on our purpose across the breadth of our activities. This includes our investment commitments, drawing in capital from other investors, consistent with the CEFC Act, Investment Mandate and Investment Policies. Our work with industry, stakeholders and government further supports national decarbonisation objectives, including building market awareness about decarbonisation opportunities and contributing to the development and use of relevant standards and transparency.

Our Values

Our people have broad commercial expertise, deep market knowledge and a commitment to deliver on our public purpose in investing on behalf of the Australian community. We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion across our organisation, highlighted by our founding role in the Women In Sustainable Finance network, and in our work towards reconciliation, detailed in our Innovate RAP.

Our values explain how we approach our work and our Code of Conduct and Ethics outlines the principles that guide the way we make decisions, whether as a Board member, executive, employee or contractor.



We’re driven to make a positive impact

We’re clear about the difference our investments make and the benefits they bring. Our decisions and the way we influence others today have a positive and sustainable impact for generations to come. We share our experience and insights to encourage others to follow our lead.



We harness the power of many

We value diverse ideas, backgrounds, deep experience and expert delivery. We are open to different perspectives, embracing new solutions and clean energy technologies that transform lives and behaviour. We bring together people committed to making a positive impact.



We work openly and honestly

We earn trust through our integrity, transparency, accountability, performance and respect for others. Our commercial rigour, insights and expertise provide the foundation for our risk appetite.



We’re explorers of new frontiers

We face challenges and opportunities with confidence. This philosophy inspires us to lead with courage and enthusiasm. We work to capitalise on our investment expertise and innovative technologies to accelerate Australia’s transition to a lower emissions economy.

Code of conduct and ethics

Key elements of the Code of Conduct and Ethics commit us to: 


Behave in a professional manner that fosters trust, confidence and goodwill with our clients, stakeholders, colleagues, suppliers and the community. 
Act with due care, judgement, skill and diligence to promote and protect the reputation of the CEFC. 
Behave honestly, fairly and with integrity and treat others with respect and equity. 
Identify and manage conflicts of interest and ensure that our personal and business interests never interfere with our ability to make sound, objective decisions on behalf of the CEFC. 
Respect and maintain privacy and confidentiality. 

read our report

CEFC Innovate RAP

The CEFC is committed to our reconciliation journey through delivery of our Innovate RAP. Our RAP focuses on developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation and developing and piloting innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

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