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Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Towards Net Zero Agriculture Pathfinder

The Towards Net Zero Agriculture Pathfinder is provided for Australian farmers. It serves as a guide to understand how to implement on-farm activities that support reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

The Pathfinder was developed by  CSIRO for the CEFC Towards Net Zero Agriculture Strategy  which includes providing farmers with access to discounted finance to accelerate their plans to implement low emissions farming activities.

Who is the Pathfinder suitable for?

Farm Managers icon

Farm Managers

As a guide to invest in technologies and practices that yield financial returns and environmental improvements.

Agriculture consultants and advisers icon

Agriculture consultants and advisers

To provide guidance to their clients towards sustainable and profitable farming solutions.

Decision-makers icon


Decision-makers within the farming sector can use this guide to help align their operations with a future that balances economic viability with environmental stewardship.

The Pathfinder describes approaches to:

The activities in the Pathfinder have been selected because they are likely to have an incentive for farmers to adopt and there is sufficient agreement and evidence of efficacy in reducing emissions. The Pathfinder does not list all possible activities that can reduce on farm emissions. Additional resources where a wider range of activities available to farmers can be found here.


Activities about which
there is sufficient evidence
of effectiveness Low emissions activities
or enterprise change that
farmers want Low emissions activities
consistent with CEFC TNZ
Agricultural Investment Strategy Project Focus
Activities about which
there is sufficient evidence
of effectiveness Low emissions activities
or enterprise change that
farmers want Low emissions activities
consistent with CEFC TNZ
Agricultural Investment Strategy Project Focus
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