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Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Baselining GHG emissions

GHG Baselining tools

Selecting the most appropriate tool for your enterprise is at your discretion, this list is provided to raise awareness of some GHG Baseline tools available on the market.

Platform tools:

AIA Environmental Accounting Platform

Released in 2024, this free tool supports primary producers to calculate their GHG baseline at a commodity, enterprise and whole of business level. It currently includes grains, beef, sheep, cotton, horticulture, pork, feedlot, poultry, eggs, sugar, wild sea fisheries, goat, buffalo, and deer. The PICC GAF tools underly this platform.


Supporting Australian broadacre growers to calculate their GHG baseline at a paddock, farm, or enterprise scale, and includes a range of other relevant environmental accounts. Developed by CSIRO, FarmPrint is designed to interact with existing farm records in systems like Agri Webb.

Cool Farm Tool

Developed in the Northern hemisphere, this platform supports estimation of GHG emissions, water-use, and biodiversity impacts. In collaboration with Australia's Cool Soils Initiative, this tool is currently under refinement and improvement for Australian conditions.


Sector specific calculators:


A modular set of Greenhouse Accounting Frameworks (GAF) developed by Primary Industries Climate Change Centre, The University of Melbourne. Tailored to Australian conditions, these include including dairy, sheep and beef, feedlot, cropping, cotton, horticulture, poultry, and rice.

MLA Quick Start Carbon Calculator

Enables livestock producers to quickly estimate farm GHG emissions based on a four-step questionnaire.

The Australian Dairy Carbon Calculator

At enables dairy farmers to calculate the impact of adopting different abatement strategies on total farm GHG emissions.


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