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Show navigation Towards Net Zero Agriculture Pathfinder

Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Farm emissions reduction activities

Farm emissions reduction activities

The following table outlines the eligible emissions reduction activities that are aligned with the CEFC TNZ Agriculture Strategy, and may be provided through a co-financier that offers debt finance to the agriculture sector.

The Pathfinder does not list all possible activities that can reduce on farm emissions. Additional resources where a wider range of activities available to farmers can be found here.

The emissions reduction activities in the Pathfinder have been carefully selected as:

  1. contributing to reduced emissions;
  2. often require borrowing to facilitate; and
  3. provide a business and investment rationale for farmers to implement, not solely related to emissions reduction.

Agronomic Footprints


Primary GHG benefit compared to business as usual activity

Variable Rate Fertiliser


Reduced emissions through improved fertiliser spatial use across the production landscape.

Variable Rate Lime

Reduced emissions through optmised lime application according to spatial variation.

Nitrification Inhibitors (enhanced fertiliser)

Avoided emissions from lower emissions product; reduced emissions from improved fertiliser use efficiency.

Livestock footprints


Primary GHG benefit compared to business as usual activity

Pasture Rejuvination (Legumes & herbs)

Reduced methane from the herd as through improved feed quality/value.

Methane Inhibitors (feed supplements)

Reduced methane from the herd through proven inhibitory supplements.

Energy footprints


Primary GHG benefit compared to business as usual activity

Solar Energy & Storage

Avoided emissions from fossil fuel replacement with on-farm green energy.

Electric & Energy Efficienct Farm Vehicles

Avoided or reduced emissions from lower emissions operations.

Land use change


Primary GHG benefit compared to business as usual activity

Permanent Plantings

Carbon sequestration from woody biomass and soil carbon storage.

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