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Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Farm emissions reduction activities

Energy Footprints

Improving operating efficiencies and electrification are an important component of transitioning to a low emissions future.

The contribution of operations and energy use to a GHG account can vary markedly depending on the enterprise type and composition. The first step in improving your energy footprint is in understanding current energy use through conducting an energy audit.

In support of energy transitions, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation has previously published a practical guide to lowering on-farm energy use and emsissions1. Diesel consumption for farm vehicles can be optimised (5-20 per cent) through vehicle selection, engine tuning, maintenance, set-up, and driving styles2.

Transitioning to green energy production and electrification of equipment and vehicles can align with broader enterprise goals through automation and robotics, controlled traffic, precision agriculture, and use of light weight unmanned aerial vehicles3.

Opportunities for GHG emissions reduction lie in combining operation and energy efficiencies for multiple enterprise efficiencies including fossil fuel use, agronomic inputs, livestock production (shade/shelter), and labour.

Activities that target optimisation of operations and energy include:

Further information

See the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator

See the Clean Energy Council, the peak body for the Australian clean energy industry

Transforming Australian Agriculture with Clean Energy. A practical guide to lowering on-farm energy use and carbon emissions. Clean Energy Finance Corporation 2019.

Energy efficient farm vehicles. Primefact. DOC21/78402, First Edition. Adapted from NSW Farmers Factsheet. Department of Primary Industries, NSW Government. April 2021.


1 Transforming Australian Agriculture with Clean Energy. A practical guide to lowering on-farm energy use and carbon emissions. Clean Energy Finance Corporation 2019.

2 Energy efficient farm vehicles. Primefact. DOC21/78402, First Edition. Adapted from NSW Farmers Factsheet. Department of Primary Industries, NSW Government. April 2021.

3 Transforming Australian Agriculture with Clean Energy. A practical guide to lowering on-farm energy use and carbon emissions. Clean Energy Finance Corporation 2019.

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