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Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Farm emissions reduction activities

Permanent Plantings

Permanent trees plantings can support long-term carbon sequestration by establishing new trees on previously cleared land. Carbon outcomes are variable and affected by variation in soil type or landscape position, by climatic variability or by disturbances such as fire.

Tools such as FullCAM and LOOC-C can give an estimate of potential sequestration rates. However, it is important too that tree growth rates, and hence sequestration slow down and reach a plateau over time.

The Australian Government’s ACCU Scheme outlines project activities that include Farm Forestry Plantation Method and Reforestation by Environmental or Mallee Planting Methods, commonly termed Mixed-species Environmental Planting or colloquially as the EP method.

To be confident in carbon sequestration potential, these schemes require that the planting has the potential to grow to two metres tall and crown cover of the least 20% of the project area. Project areas can take many forms including block plantings or strip plantings for shelter belts. Farm forestry projects may harvest the mature trees, but re-establishment will be required for compliance.

Careful planning and appropriate species selection can support co-benefits including shade and shelter for livestock, windbreaks, groundcover, and reduced erosion, management of water table and salinity, and enhanced habitat for biodiversity. Risks to consider include heat, water, and drought stresses under a changing climate, wildfires, pests, and disease.

Primary emissions benefit:

  • Carbon sequestration from woody biomass and soil carbon


  • Shade and shelter for livestock
  • Wind breaks
  • Ground cover and reduced erosion
  • Salinity management
  • Biodiversity and habitat

Potential barriers:

  • Establishment risks
  • Heat, water, and drought stress
  • Pests and diseases
  • Fuel loads and fire risks


  • Site suitability and soil condition
  • Altered hydrological balance
  • Supports to ensure successful establishment
  • Maintenance


Successful implementation of Permanent Planting for carbon sequestration benefits requires careful planning of options to suit your landscape and operations. Development of a Permanent Planting FERP should consider the following implementation steps:

  1. Landscape assessment: evaluate your landscape including soil condition, climate, and water availability to identify which area(s) will provide benefits that align with your broader enterprise goals.
  2. Species selection and planning: engage appropriate NRM services to support species selection and to understand and plan plant spacing, planting techniques, and establishment and maintenance needs.
  3. Estimate carbon sequestration: use available tools (e.g. LOOC-C, FullCAM) to estimate realistic carbon sequestration gains and timeframes.
  4. Site preparations and establishment: clear groundcover or improve soil condition where necessary. Implement planting plan, with ongoing attention to management of water, pest/disease risks, and crown maintenance needs.
  5. Continuous monitoring, evaluation, and learning: including plant growth and health through on-ground observations, aerial or remote imagery, and carbon sequestration estimates.


  • Seedling stock of appropriate species
  • Establishment infra-structure, including protection and irrigation
  • Fencing materials

Supporting services:

  • Natural Resource Management (NRM) services for planning, baselining and monitoring
  • Ground-work services or equipment hire for site preparation or fencing
  • Labour services for planting, maintenance, and ongoing protection


  • Proof of eligible purchases (invoices)
  • Aerial imagery (pre/post) as evidence of area planted (ha)
  • Annual on-ground observation and/or remote sensed imagery to show continued crown cover of greater than 20 per cent
  • Estimated carbon sequestration via FullCAM or LOOC-C
  • Enterprise emissions baseline reporting

Stacking compatibility:

  • Pasture rejuvenation

The magnitude of benefit depends on enterprise size and composition, energy demands, technology type and integrations.

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