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Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Farm emissions reduction activities

Livestock Footprints

Animal production systems are estimated to account for approximately 15 per cent of global GHG emissions.

In Australia approximately 10 per cent of all GHG emissions, and two thirds of agricultural emissions come from methane produced by livestock1. Between 2 per cent and 10 per cent of feed energy is converted to methane during digestion and varies depending on physiological stage, feed quality, genetics, and environment.

Understanding and managing enteric methane is a key emissions target in livestock farming systems. Technologies to support emissions reduction include managing fodder quality through pasture species composition2, and in using feed supplements that inhibit the production of methane in the rumen3.

Practices aimed at reducing methane emissions commonly serve dual purpose of improving feed efficiency, production, and farm income.

Eligible activities to enable reduction of livestock methane emissions include:

Further information

Meat & Livestock Australia has collated a wide range of relevant information to support emissions reduction in the Industry targeted towards Carbon Neutral 2030 goals.

MLA also provides a searchable database of Producer Demonstration Sites, providing locally relevant case-studies and insights into adoption of new practices & technologies.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water (DCCEEW)  have funded a significant investment into Methane Emissions Reduction in Livestock (MERiL) including methane inhibitors.

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APMVA) provide a list of approved feed supplements capable of achieving >20% methane reduction.


1. The Australian Red Meat Industries Carbon Neutral by 2030. Meat and Livestock Australia 2020.
2. Badgery et al 2023. Reducing Enteric methane of ruminants in Australian grazing systems – a review of the role for temperate legumes and herbs. Crop & Pasture Science.
3. Livestock Emissions Framework for Feed Technologies. Australian Government, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

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