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Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Farm emissions reduction activities

Stacking Considerations

Cumulative production and emissions benefits can often be achieved through stacking compatible technologies.

This section indicates where technology stacking could be considered to optimise system efficiencies and gain multiple benefits to emissions reduction.

The suitability of stacking, and the gains that can be achieved, will be dependent on enterprise composition and regional content.

Implemented at an enterprise scale variable rate technologies can provide spatial and operating efficiencies and offer multiple benefits that act to reduce an enterprise GHG baseline both directly and indirectly.

Variable rate technologies, in cropping or pasture systems, lend themselves to stacking with advanced fertilisers and/or enabling technologies such as modern and efficient farm equipment.

Combining variable rate agronomy with nitrification inhibitors offers dual benefits from spatial optimisation alongside lower emissions fertilisers. Stacking these compatible technologies offers opportunity to optimise inputs costs, agronomic performance, operations efficiencies.

Considering spatial optimisation at the time of pasture rejuvenation may offer dual benefits to both implementation costs, ongoing management over multiple seasons, and to fodder quality and associated emissions. Similarly, assessing the opportunity to integrate permanent plantings into the landscape for shade or shelter benefits at the time of pasture rejuvenation could enable dual benefits to both long-term productivity and your enterprise footprint.

Transitioning your operational fleet towards energy efficient vehicles alongside uptake of variable rate technologies offers opportunity for dual benefits to your agronomic and energy footprint, alongside optimising inputs costs, agronomic performance, operations efficiencies.

The table below indicates where technology stacking could be considered to optimise system efficiencies and gain multiple benefits to emissions reduction.

Primary Loan Purpose

Stacking Considerations

Variable Rate Fertiliser

Variable Rate Lime

Nitrification Inhibitors

Pasture Rejuvenation

Methane Inhibitors

Solar Energy & Storage

Electrification of Equipment

Permanent Planting

Variable Rate Fertiliser

  Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon     Tick icon  

Variable Rate Lime

Tick icon     Tick icon        

Nitrification Inhibitors

Tick icon     Tick icon        

Pasture Rejuvenation

Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon   Tick icon Tick icon   Tick icon

Methane Inhibitors


Solar Energy & Storage

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Electrification of Equipment

          Tick icon    

Permanent Planting

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