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Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Farm Emissions Reduction Plan

Assistance with Emissions Reduction Planning

Expertise and regional advice on farm emissions reduction are often available through State and Territory Government departments, as well as through peak industry bodies.

A register of consultants and service providers can be found through Climate active, an Australian government program that provides a carbon neutral certification. Providers listed in this register have all completed Climate Active training.

This is not an exhaustive list, but information, including active research and demonstration activities, can commonly be sourced through the following websites:


Grower Group Alliance with support from the Commonwealth of Australia

National Industry-led Carbon Farming Outreach Program. 


On-Farm Carbon Advice Project

is developing education and training, online community of practice, farm carbon management plans and demonstration sites for emissions reduction activities.


Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap

provides a framework to support agribusiness and the broader supply chain lower GHG emissions while supporting the supply of food and fibre. 

South Australia

Carbon Farming Roadmap

is building knowledge and pilot activities to support landholder adoption of sustainable practices and knowledge of carbon markets and incentives.


On-Farm Emissions Action Plan Pilot

is building knowledge and capabilities amongst advisors and consultants through a community of practice. 

Western Australia

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

provides resources and support for development of Carbon farming projects and a Service Provider Directory.

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