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Show navigation Towards Net Zero Agriculture Pathfinder

Developed in conjunction with CSIRO

Getting started


The implementation of activities should avoid unintentional effects.

In your planning you will have identified a range of activities that can reduce on farm emissions. In selecting the farm activities that reduce emissions, it is important to consider environmental or animal welfare requirements. You should also consider any relevant compliance and legislation related to the carrying out of the farm emissions reduction activities - a number of these are listed below. 

Implementation of activities should align with the Australian Agricultural Sustainability Framework (AASF) and protect:

  • Landscape and soil function
  • Biodiversity and habitat
  • Water quality and use
  • Animal welfare
  • Fair  healthy work environment
  • Biosecurity risks
  • Ethical procurement

Acts to be aware of as you consider these matters:

The following activities are inconsistent with the principles of the Pathfinder:

  • Conversion or clearing of natural ecosystems, including remnant vegetation or established trees, unless under an agreed nature offset (e.g. prescribed weeds, non-native forest trees less than 2 metres tall).
  • Activities that result in negative off-site environmental impacts.
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