The CEFC Towards Net Zero Agriculture Strategy
The CEFC is a specialist investor in Australia’s transition to net zero emissions by 2050. With access to more than $30 billion from the Australian Government, we work with co-investors, industry and government to drive economy-wide decarbonisation.
Our investments in agriculture range from large-scale investments in specialised funds to providing discounted finance for smaller-scale energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements in agricultural production, in collaboration with major banks and financiers. Beyond our investments, the CEFC plays an important role in convening capital and establishing and promoting best practice sustainability thinking in the agricultural sector.
The CEFC Towards Net Zero Agriculture Investment strategy includes providing farmers with discounted finance and tools to accelerate their plans to implement low emissions farming activities, as well as carbon sequestration plantings.
The Towards Net Zero Agriculture Pathfinder was developed to support this strategy and enable farmers to design and determine emissions reduction plans and activities tailored for their farms, with information on how to baseline and implement their plans. It explains activities to reduce emissions, empowering farmers to align their business goals and enterprise activities with emissions reduction plans, as well as contributing to farm productivity.
For more information on the CEFC Natural Capital investments and our discounted finance programs with co-financiers for farmers, visit the CEFC website.