A cleaner, greener approach to manufacturing
Australia’s largest wheat processor, ethanol manufacturer cuts emissions
Australia’s Manildra Group is a globally competitive, family business committed to switching to low emissions technologies in the manufacture of its brand-leading baking and industrial products.
CEFC commitment
tCO2-e abatement
World's largest
wheat processor
We’re very proud to work with the CEFC, their support has enabled Manildra Group to increase cleaner energy sources, substantially reduce our greenhouse gases and reduce coal usage entirely.John HonanManildra Group Managing Director
Our investment
Manildra, Australia’s largest wheat processor and ethanol manufacturer is taking a significant step toward reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, drawing on an $85 million CEFC investment to exit coal at its primary manufacturing plant in regional NSW.
The $190 million project is also financed by a $95 million commercial debt package which is supported by a $50 million guarantee from Export Finance Australia. In addition, Manildra Group has successfully registered the project with the Clean Energy Regulator to generate Australian Carbon Credit Units.
our impact
The Nowra Manilda site produces Australian-grown and made premium food and industrial products from vital wheat glutens, wheat starches, and syrups to ethanol and animal stockfeed.
The CEFC investment will help Manildra accelerate its exit from coal by transforming how its Nowra plant generates steam and electricity, providing finance for two behind-the-meter high efficiency gas fired combined heat and power plants.
The cogeneration technology will produce up to 100 per cent of the electricity required at the Nowra plant, replacing coal-fired boilers and existing gas boilers previously used to generate steam.
The installation of cogeneration technology will reduce emissions at the energy intensive Nowra plant by about 40 per cent, abating an estimated 332,000 tonnes of CO2-e annually.
Domestic manufacturing poses a significant decarbonisation challenge. As the world steps up its focus on emissions reduction, carbon intensive fuel sources are becoming less economic.
Low carbon manufacturing
Installation of the combined heat and power plant is the first stage in Manildra Group’s transition to low carbon manufacturing.
The company will actively investigate green hydrogen to power the plant in the future, as well as more conventional renewable energy sources as electrification of industrial steam becomes more economic.
These initiatives are an important development for Australia’s ambitions to reach net zero emissions by 2050, kickstarting the transition of the domestic industrial sector to a low carbon future, decarbonising operations while maintaining global competitiveness.
An Australian and global leader
The Manildra Group was founded in 1952 when the Honan family purchased a flour mill in Manildra, central west New South Wales.
Now employing more than 1,000 people, the company is a diverse agribusiness, partnering with Australian farming families to produce food and industrial products at their world-class manufacturing sites.
The Nowra site is the global leader in the production of vital wheat glutens, modified proteins, wheat starches, syrups to ethanol and animal stockfeed.
Today it is the largest wheat gluten and starch manufacturing site of its kind in the world, employing 350 people, operating day-in, day-out, 365 today a year.
Manildra Group is also one of the largest exporters of products in containers through Australia’s largest port, Port Botany.