The 200 MW Kiamal Solar Farm, near Ouyen in north-west Victoria, is using a 190 MVAr synchronous condenser to improve grid strength in the region. Kiamal Solar Farm was commissioned in March 2021, making it the biggest large-scale solar farm to be fully operational in the NEM at that time.
CEFC equity
homes powered
CO2-e abated
With our first project in this country, we are excited to be able to contribute to the shift towards renewable energy in Australia and to local development in Victoria … of what will be the largest PV power plant in Victoria and one of Total Eren’s largest solar assets worldwide.David CorchiaCEO, Total Eren
Our investment
The CEFC has a $62 million equity stake in Kiamal Solar Farm, which was the first Australian project to be delivered by leading international developer Total Eren.
our impact
Kiamal Solar Farm harnesses more than 718,000 PV panels with single-axis trackers and covers some 500 hectares. It is expected to generate enough power for 133,500 homes and abate 610,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.
The synchronous condenser installed at Kiamal Solar Farm contributes system strength into the north-west Victorian grid to help maintain network stability. It is connected into the TransGrid Kiamal Terminal Station. Synchronous condensers operate in a similar way to large electric motors and generators, and enable the grid to resist large changes in power system frequency that arise from imbalances in supply and demand.
Kiamal has secured a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with Mars Australia, as well as PPAs with energy retailers Alinta Energy and Flow Power. It will also supply energy to Zero Emissions Water, an entity representing 13 Victorian water corporations, and deliver large-scale generation certificates for retailer Origin Energy. Using multiple PPAs demonstrates the potential for a diverse group of customers to hedge their energy costs while supporting the development of new large-scale renewable energy projects.