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Infrastructure Net Zero

Defining net zero for Australian infrastructure

A unified approach will enable the infrastructure sector to make meaningful progress towards net zero emissions.

Achieving net zero in infrastructure requires a shared understanding of the sector’s role in reducing carbon emissions and what net zero means. This report presents key definitions, outlines best practice measurement and management standards and highlights the benefits of adopting consistent standards and approaches to carbon measurement reporting.

Decarbonising infrastructure is complex, and a consistent framework for measurement and reporting is essential for accelerated and improved progress. Whilst progress has been made in pockets of the sector, the criticality but also the complexity of decarbonising infrastructure cannot be understated.
Toby Kent
CEO, Infrastructure Sustainability Council

A solid foundation

March 2025

Infrastructure Net Zero and The Australian Sustainable Build Environment Council (ASBEC) have developed the report A solid foundation: A common definition for net zero infrastructure and how to get there.  The CEFC backed report also received technical support from the Green Building Council of Australia and Infrastructure Sustainability Council and contributor Mott McDonald.

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about the industry

Collaboration drives support for common approach to infrastructure decarbonisation

The built environment including infrastructure is responsible for 57 per cent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, making it critical to meeting the nation’s climate goals.

The Australian infrastructure sector is broadly agreed on the need for a common framework to assist in the transition to net zero by 2050.

Infrastructure Net Zero, a collaborative effort involving private sector peak bodies and federal agencies including the CEFC, was formed in 2023 to support the sector’s transition.

As one of the founding supporters of Infrastructure Net Zero, we’re helping to drive industry-wide change, ensuring projects are designed and delivered with lower emissions from day one.
Ian Learmonth


report findings

Guiding adoption of best practice measurement and management standards

A solid foundation establishes a definition of net zero, outlines best practice carbon measurement and management standards, and provides guidance on their adoption.

The report, which calls for a unified approach to enable the infrastructure to make meaningful progress towards net zero emissions, finds:

  • The sector can achieve consistency in carbon measurement and reporting by aligning frameworks such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and PAS 2080:2023 Carbon management in buildings and infrastructure and leveraging rating tools like Green Star, NABERS, and Infrastructure Sustainability. 
  • Strong policy support across states reinforces this direction. The report provides examples of policy and guidance driving action in Australian states.
Net zero is defined as reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions to zero or to a residual level that is consistent with reaching net zero emissions in eligible 1.5 °C pathways (hence time-bound) and neutralising the impact of residual emissions (if any) by removing an equivalent volume of carbon.


Last updated March 2025. Infrastructure, Market reports
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