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Information Publication Scheme plan

The CEFC Information Publication Scheme (IPS) plan shows what information we will publish, how and to whom information will be published and how we intend to meet the IPS requirements requirements under the Freedom of Information Act.

CEFC Information Publication Scheme plan


Corporate Plan

We are a corporate Commonwealth Entity under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and our Corporate Plan, presented by the CEFC Board and available on our website, is required under the PGPA Act.


Who we are

The CEFC is a statutory authority established by the Australian Government under the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Act 2012 (CEFC Act). The object of the CEFC Act is to establish the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to facilitate increased flows of finance into the clean energy sector. Under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act, the CEFC is known as a corporate Commonwealth entity.


What we do

The CEFC invests in clean energy technologies, which are defined in the CEFC Act as renewable energy, energy efficiency and low emissions technologies. The CEFC Investment Policies and Investment Guidelines, which are available on the CEFC website, provide additional information.


CEFC reports and responses to Parliament

CEFC Annual Reports and Quarterly Investment Reports are available on the CEFC website.


Routinely requested information

Where we identify documents or information that we are routinely asked to release in response to FOI applications, such documents and associated information are described on the FOI Disclosure Log.


Our priorities and finance

The CEFC Corporate Plan, Annual Reports and Quarterly Investment Reports provide detailed information about our priorities, finance and performance.


Other information

The CEFC provides detailed information about our activities on our website, including media statements, case studies and research reports.



If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your FOI or IPS request, you can complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman who may investigate our actions. If you wish to make an FOI or IPS complaint, please contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman:


Contact us

For assistance in accessing information held by the CEFC, please email the CEFC FOI Officer:

[email protected]

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