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Industry, resources

The CEFC has developed financing solutions for heavy industry and resources, two sectors which play a critical role in our national economy.

CEFC investments in these two sectors aim to capitalise on their substantial potential to cut emissions, while helping position them for our net zero future.  

Manufacturing produces more than 11 per cent of Australia’s direct emissions, with some 45 per cent of this coming from the manufacture of commodities. The clean energy transition presents considerable opportunities for industry – from improving existing processes to backing new industries such as green steel, low carbon cement and energy efficient chemicals production.

Mining is also a “hard-to-abate” sector, reflecting the high energy intensity of mining activities, the heavy reliance on emissions intensive fuels and the requirement for thermal energy in processing activities. We also see substantial investment opportunities to accelerate the development of the critical minerals sector, which is central to the clean energy supply chain and where Australia has clear global strengths.

Read the reports

Accelerating industry action towards net zero emissions


read our report

Mining in a low emissions economy

The CEFC and the Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia are pleased to provide new insights into the opportunities ahead in producing: The compelling case for decarbonisation – Mining in a low emissions economy.

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Watch our Mining in a low emissions economy webinar

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